How To Get An Architectural Plan For Your Bungalow At A Reduced Cost

Today on building contractor secrets, i would be talking about new bungalow design in Nigeria and i know this would be a very interesting content especially for those regularly searching for new designs for bungalow house in Nigeria.
2 bedroom flat front view
Well, if you have been searching for the best Bungalow designs that would match your taste, i am going to leave you a few designs. I Know these designs may be on other web pages, but i know there is a reason you stumbled on my page and it could be you need just the ideas i would be adding here.

What Is a Bungalow?

A Bungalow is a special kind of structure that has its unique way of defining true coziness. a bungalow is usually modestly sized but would always be a comfortable home especially for a single guy like me. lol…
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A Bungalow usually has  floor and another floor right at the top. Thats usually where the master bedroom is located – Dad and mummy never wants the kids disturbing at night i guess – lol
Usually with well designed columns, heavy porch supports, you’ll only discover that bungalows actually has their style from what we had in the US Back in 1900s
Well, Quickly Look through the Pictures below as i believe one of these would definitely catch your attention and probably leave with with the urge to own a bungalow in Nigeria.
new bungalow designs
Bungalow Designs – Top View
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Approach View Of A Bungalow


bungalow inner fittings
Bathroom Fittings for Bungalow

How Can I Get Bungalow Architectural Plan At A reduced Cost?

To get an architectural drawing by a professional, quickly use the contact details on contact page. You can also contact a reputable architectural firm within your location and have him show you a list of previous jobs he’d done after which you describe to him what you want.
Within a few days, you would have your bungalow design which you’re later going to take to the local town planning office for approval.

Written by admin

Hi, I'm Richard Nwachukwu! It is my job to handle the content aspect of this great organization and I'm determined to ensure you get it all right as long as you're handling a construction project in Nigeria!

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